CHA News

Hearing Set for CHA-Sponsored Seismic Relief Bill

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: CHA’s sponsored legislation that would provide relief from California’s 2030 seismic construction mandates passed the Senate Health Committee last week on an 11-0 vote. Senate Bill (SB) 1432 is now set for a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on May 6.  

What else to know: The chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee is the primary author of the bill, Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Merced).  

Key amendments were made to the initial proposal. SB 1432 now provides:   

  • A three-year extension for all hospitals, as well as the potential for an additional five years based on financial capacity, the impact of construction on patient access to care, or concerns such as delays in the construction approval process  
  • A reporting requirement to the Legislature by government agencies to analyze the cost of seismic compliance, and the impact on access to health care services  
  • For rural and critical access hospitals, a grace period from compliance if hospitals can demonstrate that they lack the financial capacity to fund the seismic work 

In addition, CHA is supporting Assembly Bill (AB) 869, which would provide seismic compliance relief for rural and district hospitals and help to develop financial support opportunities for rural and critical access hospitals. AB 869, which the Assembly unanimously approved, has not been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate. 

As SB 1432 heads to the next phase, it’s critical that hospital and community partner voices remain at the forefront. Information and resources are available on CHA’s seismic information page

Many thanks to the hospitals that are sharing their voices — and those of their community partners — on the need for seismic relief. 

If you have questions, please contact Kat Scott, senior vice president, advocacy, at or Trina Gonzalez, vice president, policy, at