Search Results for: "Recovery"

Showing 11 - 20 of 149 results

Lessons Learned: Building Integrated Firestorm Response and Recovery

2018 Disaster Conference

Kaiser Permanente and Sutter Health presenters share how their organizations responded to wildfires that caused their hospitals to evacuate in October 2017. The session details operational impacts as well as recovery efforts taken by both health systems to restore hospital services to the community. Presenters shared lessons learned from these events and highlight opportunities for improved performance.

Improvements Announced for Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor Program

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) this week announced a number of improvements to the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program, seeking to reduce providers’ burden by better targeting program integrity efforts. 

DHCS Offers List of Certified Recovery or Treatment Facilities

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A web page maintained by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) may be useful for emergency departments and psychiatric hospitals in locating discharge sites. The list is alphabetical by county and includes all non-medical licensed residential facilities and alcoholism and drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities, as well as outpatient programs licensed and/or certified by DHCS. Contact numbers, addresses, and resident capacity are contained in the data.  

California Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Missed Meal, Rest, and Recovery Period Compensation

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A recent California Supreme Court decision on meal, rest, and recovery period violations could have major implications for many of the state’s employers — including hospitals.  

Under current law, an employee who does not receive a meal, rest, or recovery period is owed “one additional hour of pay at the employee’s regular rate of compensation.” For many labor attorneys, this was interpreted to mean an additional hour of pay at the employee’s base pay rate — that is, the employee’s hourly pay rate, not including overtime compensation or bonuses. However, under a recent California Supreme Court decision, this is no longer permissible. 

On July 15, the court ruled unanimously in Ferra v. Loews that the requirement of an additional hour of compensation at the employee’s “regular rate of compensation” has the same meaning as “regular rate of pay,” requiring the inclusion of overtime and bonuses with the employee’s base pay rate. As this ruling is retroactive, hospitals that compensate missed meal, rest, and recovery periods solely based on the employee’s base pay rate are out of compliance with the law and may face significant legal liability.  

CHA encourages all hospitals to review their pay practices to ensure they are in full compliance with the law and to reach out to their California labor law counsel with any questions.  

President Signs Opioid Legislation

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President Trump on Wednesday signed bipartisan legislation to address the opioid crisis. The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6) includes a number of provisions intended to reduce opioid use and improve treatment and recovery programs for substance use disorders (SUD). CHA has summarized the key provisions for hospitals, and has attached a detailed legislative summary prepared by Health Policy Alternatives.

Keeping Business Viable After a Disaster

Getting businesses big or small back into a community and keeping them viable after a disaster is a cornerstone of recovery. In this audio lecture, Karl Matzke, a Stanford Graduate School of Business alumnus and volunteer first responder, discusses best practices and available resources with Federal Emergency Management Authority Administrator Craig Fugate.

The audio covers available resources for corporations and small to medium-sized businesses to prepare for and protect themselves from the impact of disaster. For a community to maintain a healthy recovery, Fugate asserts that private and public groups must work collaboratively to help stabilize an environment after disaster.

HCAI Issues Updated Building Code Application Notice

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What’s happening: The Department of Health Care Access and Information’s (HCAI) Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development (OSHPD) recently revised the Code Application Notice (CAN 2-0) OSHPD Jurisdiction

What else to know: CAN 2-0 explains how OSHPD is designated as the enforcing agency for hospital buildings and skilled-nursing facilities, and identifies the local building department as the enforcing agency for clinics and certain chemical dependency recovery hospitals.  

CHA Issues Summary of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Guidance

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Last week, the U.S. Department of Treasury issued an interim final rule implementing the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The funds provide $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and tribal governments.