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Homeless Patients

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California has an estimated 134,000 homeless individuals — more than any other state in the nation. Hospitals are on the front lines of this crisis, employing comprehensive strategies to address  homeless patients’ complex needs and safely discharge them. CHA has created a number of videos to showcase hospitals engaged in this work.

Digital Producer

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We currently have a great opportunity for a professional with 5+ years’ experience in corporate communications or digital advocacy communications activities.  The digital producer will be responsible for coordinating, developing and executing projects involving the creation and delivery of digital content across multiple communications channels – web, email, social, newsletters, video, webinars, and more.

Cal/OSHA Adopts Emergency Regulations on Wildfire Smoke Exposure

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Last week, the Department of Industrial Relations’ (DIR) Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board approved an emergency regulation aimed at protecting outdoor workers from the effects of wildfire smoke. The regulation is pending with the Office of Administrative Law and is expected to be approved and take effect in early August. 

HQI to Host July 25 Webinar on Strategies for Hospital-Based Maternal Mental Health

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On July 25 from 10-11 a.m. (PT), the Hospital Quality Institute will host a free webinar to address upcoming maternal mental health education requirements for hospitals. Under Assembly Bill 3032 (Chapter 773, Statutes of 2018) — the Maternal Mental Health Conditions Education, Early Diagnosis, and Treatment Act — hospitals must educate employees who are regularly assigned to perinatal units about maternal mental health conditions.

Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Interdisciplinary Teams for Certain SNF Patients

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The California Court of Appeal for the First Appellate District yesterday upheld the state law permitting skilled-nursing facilities (SNFs) to use an interdisciplinary team to make medical decisions for patients who lack decision-making capacity and have no friends or family members to make those decisions. CHA filed an amicus brief in this case and is pleased the court agreed with our position.

CHA Board Holds July Meeting

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The CHA Board of Trustees met July 18-19, continuing an important dialogue about health care affordability. The board discussed the need for hospitals to lead affordability discussions, connect the right stakeholders, and identify holistic solutions that bring down the cost of care, keeping the needs of patients at top of mind and not simply reducing reimbursement.

CDPH Releases California Health Advisory Update on Ebola

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On July 18, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released a California Health Advisory Update on Ebola — one day after the World Health Organization declared the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo to be a public health emergency of international concern.

Rate Setting, Front and Center

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Surprise billing continues to garner attention from both federal and state lawmakers — and it’s a vitally important conversation. Patients should not be caught off guard by unexpected bills for out-of-network emergency care. Hospitals have said all along that when patients need emergency care, we support protecting them from surprise bills by limiting their out-of-network cost sharing to no more than the amount for in-network patients.