Search Results for: "CBRNE"

Showing 11 - 20 of 25 results

Hospital Guidance for Responding to a Contaminating Radiation Incident

This guide was developed by The New York City Hospital Radiation Working Group, a multi-hospital working group convened by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) that included nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, emergency medicine, health physics, emergency management, mental health, environmental medicine, and radiation-related treatment and monitoring professionals.

Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management

The Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management website offers a comprehensive, user-friendly, web-based resource that is also downloadable in advance, so that it would be available during an event if the internet is not accessible.

Preparing Hospitals for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident

This tool is designed to address these challenges by providing a curriculum that can be used to train hospital personnel on how to prepare for and respond to the psychological consequences of large-scale disasters. The training has three modules that are intended to be used either as standalone training or in combination depending on the facility and audience needs:

Hospital Bomb Threat Self-Assessment Tool

This self-assessment tool assists hospitals in evaluating their preparedness for bomb threats. It outlines key assessment areas, including policies, staff training, communication protocols, and emergency response plans.

Fundamentals of Radiation Protection

2024 Disaster Conference

This presentation aims to educate a diverse audience of hospital workers and professionals from various sectors on the principles of radiation safety. It covers historical developments, current regulatory standards, and best practices for minimizing occupational radiation exposure. The session will detail types of radiation, measurement units, and protective equipment, emphasizing the ALARA principle and current epidemiological findings. Additionally, the presentation will discuss OSHA standards, health effects from radiation exposures, scatter radiation related to pregnancy, and radiation in the military, airline, and manufacturing industries.

Leading Practices in Decontamination and Triage

2016 Disaster Conference

Presented by UCSF Health, this session reviews best practices and response strategies for events requiring decontamination for first receivers. The presentation includes lessons learned from specific chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive events. Also included are ways hospitals can review risks and challenges in CBRNE events, and outlines steps hospitals can take to prepare for and respond to these events.

Bridging the Gap Between the FBI and the Medical Community

2018 Disaster Conference

This presentation provides background and jurisdictional information on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) weapons of mass destruction response process, assists hospitals in understanding the CBRNE threat profile, and provides HIPAA considerations during events where the FBI is engaged. It also outlines other FBI response initiatives that are helpful to hospitals in planning and response for threats, offering outreach and training resources hospitals can utilize in engaging the FBI before, during, and after these events.