Search Results for: "2023 Disaster Conference"

Showing 11 - 20 of 28 results

Being a READY Rural Hospital

2023 Disaster Conference

Rural communities face many challenges and resource limitations. When an emergency arises, it is not the time to scramble to find needed resources. Ideally resource needs have been identified and memoranda of understanding (MOUs) are already in place, ready to access if needed. Rural hospitals are a hub of the community and can lead the way in emergency preparedness collaboration and organization by establishing relationships, contacts and MOUs with business, schools, and community organizations. 

Preparing for a Ransomware Attack

2023 Disaster Conference

UCLA Health developed an executive ransomware playbook to guide leaders on the initial detection, confirmation, institutional response priorities, and decision making following a cyber-attack. Learn about the unique threat a cybersecurity incident presents to a hospital and how to use those unique considerations in the development of a response plan.

Cyberattack Exercise: A Drill Like No Other

2023 Disaster Conference

A review of lessons learned from development, logistical challenges, and exercise facilitation for a multi-hospital, corporate-wide drill. Includes improvement planning activities from our After-Action Report (AAR). Also, this presentation ties in our follow-up exercise (June 2023) and shares challenges and insights from this event. 

Cybersecurity Preparedness and Response for the Enterprise and Industry

2023 Disaster Conference

Cyberattacks against the health sector are proliferating, causing loss of data, connectivity, operations, reputation, money, and ultimately, patient safety. Attendees will learn about the Health Sector Coordinating Council and the many free best practice and guidance publications the Council has created for scalable cybersecurity preparedness and response programs.

Managing Pediatric Winter Viral Surges

2023 Disaster Conference

The Children’s Hospital of Orange County reviewed strategies for managing the pediatric winter viral surge, including implementing surge plans and decompression measures, to optimize patient flow. This presentation addresses best practices and lessons learned with the goal of equipping hospitals to be prepared to meet the inevitable pediatric winter viral surge.

When Violence is an Everyday Occurrence for Hospital Staff

2023 Disaster Conference

Health care workers are particularly at risk of experiencing workplace violence. The range of potential violence is broad and can include simple acts of aggression to significant acts of physical violence. As organizations work to better understand the dynamics of workplace violence, additional attention needs to be paid to the effect acts of workplace violence have on our employees and organizations.

Outreach to Vulnerable Patients in Emergencies

2023 Disaster Conference

The growing population of older adults in the United States with complex medical conditions are typically the most severely impacted by large-scale weather and climate disasters. A health care systems’ ability to leverage technology and optimize limited resources during an emergency is universal. Join us to learn how the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) established the Vulnerable Patient Care, Access, and Response in Emergencies (VP CARE) Program to provide standardized data tools and guidance to assist medical facilities with conducting outreach and care coordination to vulnerable Veteran populations during major emergencies

Active Shooter Training: Exercise Coordination with Law Enforcement and Fire Department Response

2023 Disaster Conference

Learn how Huntington Hospital, along with law enforcement and fire department partners, quickly and effectively planned not one, but four active shooter training exercises within our facility in just 4 months. Our education department filmed the sessions and interviewed staff to create a training video for those unable to attend, which will be shown during the presentation. We will share lessons learned and highlight how hospital leadership and our planning team worked together to ensure this training was successful for our employees while minimizing impact on hospital operations.

Virtual Reality for Emergency Management Training

2023 Disaster Conference

The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services require that health care entities maintain “all-hazard” emergency preparedness and response capability and capacity. Leveraging virtual reality (VR) as a training modality for emergency management training holds great promise as an effective, realistic, immersive, and scalable health care training strategy.

This session discussed adult learning theory, emergency management training challenges and strategies, and how virtual reality provides an efficient alternative to traditional training methods.