CHA News

New Analysis Shares Potential Impact of FFY 2026 Value-Based Purchasing Program (Third Quarter 2024 Data Update)

What’s happening: CHA DataSuite issued a hospital-specific analysis of the Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, which is based on the most recent publicly available data and program rules established by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The analysis is intended to give hospitals a preview of the potential impact of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2026 VBP program. 

What else to know: Comparison to the FFY 2025 program performance is limited as CMS has not yet made final measure and domain level scores available. 

Beginning FFY 2026, hospitals will be awarded health equity adjustment (HEA) bonus points for excellent care of underserved populations based on their performance in the four evaluated domains, as well as their percentage of full-dually-eligible patients. An HEA estimate is included in this analysis. There will be winners and losers due to the HEA, as the program slope changes with the additional bonus points.  

The FFY 2026 figures are estimates, based on CMS’ third quarter 2024 Care Compare update.  

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