Bill Tracker
Emergency Services

AB 290 (Bauer-Kahan, D-San Ramon)

In Progress Oppose

AB 290 (Bauer-Kahan, D-San Ramon) Details

Introduced on Jan. 22.

AB 290 would make significant changes to California’s emergency services and care laws, including substantially increasing fines and civil penalties for various actions relating to emergency services and care, currently ranging from $1,000-$25,000, to a maximum of $1 million per violation. The bill would also eliminate both the current prohibition on duplicating federal fines, meaning hospitals could face both state and federal penalties for the same violation, as well as the cumulative maximum limit of $30,000 for state and federal fines for the same circumstances. Additionally, the bill would allow district attorneys or the attorney general to recover civil penalties of up to $1 million per violation of an injunction against noncompliance. It would also allow individuals and medical facilities suing a hospital for a violation of this article to recover punitive damages in addition to other allowed damages. The bill also removes citizenship and preexisting medical conditions from the list of protected characteristics for emergency services.

Vanessa Gonzalez

Job title:
VP State Advocacy

Trina Gonzalez

Job title:
VP Policy