CHA News

Implementation of Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review Begins

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has initiated implementation of the Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process by hospitals.  

Under this federally mandated process, acute care hospitals must complete a PASRR for all patients who are being discharged to a certified skilled-nursing facility. DHCS has sent an onboarding schedule to all California acute care hospitals. Los Angeles-area hospitals have also received this information, which includes important dates for enrollment, training, and “go live” dates. Note that all hospitals are scheduled for training and initial implementation during the first quarter of 2023.  

CHA has been in communication with DHCS regarding this process and has been able to obtain some important clarifications and additional information. While the information notice states that “All PASRR system ‘Users” and Approvers’ at each GACH must complete all three mandatory trainings,” CDPH has since clarified that each staff member does not have to attend all three training days and may attend any one of them.  

CHA has also expressed concern to DHCS that some hospitals will not be able to meet the timelines established for them, secondary to staffing constraints and demands on hospital capacity. Hospitals that need to request a delay or flexibility in scheduling may email the DHCS PASRR implementation team at   

Additional background and information on the PASRR process, including a CHA webinar, are available on CHA’s website.