On April 4, the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) will launch its new and improved Hospital Quality Improvement Platform.*

The refreshed platform will include a variety of new features:
- More flexibility to customize reports
- Multifactor Authentication done via email
- User-defined multi-level selections for comparison groups and filters
- Date selection slider for choosing exact time periods for reports
- Streamlined data uploads
Each quarter in 2022, HQI will add additional reports and features to create a more robust and meaningful platform for members.
The Hospital Quality Improvement Platform is a dynamic analytical resource that demonstrates how a hospital compares to other hospitals in their area and statewide, and can help identify trends and challenge areas for improvement. It is web-based, free for CHA members, and uses data that hospitals already report to the Department of Health Care Access and Information and National Healthcare Safety Network.
More information is available on the HQI website. To schedule a demo, contact Trisha Cervellin at tcervellin@hqinstitute.org.
* Please note that the URL for the platform has changed: https://hqipanalytics.org/.