CHA News

HQI to Host Webinar on Breastfeeding and Perinatal Mental Health

For CEOs and leaders in nursing, quality & patient safety, labor & delivery, and behavioral health

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As part of its Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Learning Community, the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) will host a free webinar on Oct. 21 from noon to 1 p.m. (PT) on breastfeeding and perinatal mental health.  

The webinar, which will be led by perinatal health and mental health advocate and consultant Nakeisha Robinson, MA, LMFT, will discuss the role that breast/chestfeeding plays in perinatal mental health and identify ways to support breast/chestfeeding for individuals struggling with mental health disorders.  

The PMH Learning Community is HQI’s program aimed at strengthening approaches to mental health during the perinatal period. The program website contains a wealth of resources for hospitals. This includes an e-learning course for staff, an app for patients and families, various sample policies, and other materials shared by participating hospitals. In addition, slides and recordings are available from over 20 webinars and group office hours held to date. 

Participation helps hospitals comply with Assembly Bill 3032 (Frazier), which requires educating perinatal employees about maternal mental health conditions as well as informing postpartum women and families about the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders, post-hospital treatment options, and community resources.    

For more information about the PMH Learning Community, visit the program website or email Julia Slininger, RN, BS, CPHQ.