CHA News

HQI to Host Webinar on Supporting Patients who Experience Perinatal Loss

For CEOs, leaders in nursing, quality & patient safety, labor & delivery, behavioral health

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As part of its Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Learning Community, the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) will host a webinar from noon to 1 p.m. (PT) on Dec. 17  to discuss how hospitals can support patients and families in the event of pregnancy or infant loss.

Perinatal loss is often accompanied by profound feelings of grief in those giving birth as well as their families. It can also be a time of vicarious trauma for hospital staff. The webinar will discuss effective ways that support can be provided for all involved during this difficult time. The presenter, Marissa Long, MAOB, PsyD, is a reproductive psychologist specializing in maternal mental health, pregnancy and infant loss, and organizational training and development.

Participation is free; online registration is required.

The PMH Learning Community is HQI’s two-year program aimed at strengthening approaches to mental health during the perinatal period. So far, 143 California birthing hospitals have joined, and enrollment remains open. To check if your hospital has enrolled, click on the “Participating Hospitals” tab on the program website. Hospitals can join by clicking the “Enroll” tab.

Participation helps hospitals comply with Assembly Bill 3032, which requires educating perinatal employees about maternal mental health conditions. It also requires hospitals to inform postpartum women and families about the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders, post-hospital treatment options, and community resources.

For more information about the PMH Learning Community, visit the program website or contact Julia Slininger, RN, BS, CPHQ, at