CHA News

Hospitals Are Invited to Join HQI’s Community of Practice on Eliminating Workplace Violence 

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: The Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) is facilitating a Community of Practice on Eliminating Hospital Workplace Violence

What else to know: The purpose of the community of practice is to connect individuals working on the issue of workplace violence in hospitals through a collaborative network designed for peer-to-peer learning and exchange. 

The community of practice consists of interactive monthly virtual forums, a repository of resources, in-person regional roundtables, and a dedicated track at HQI’s 2024 Annual Conference on Oct. 20-21.  

Participation is free and open to all CHA and HQI member hospitals. To register, please visit the community of practice registration page.  

For more information, contact Boris Kalanj, HQI’s director of programs, at