CHA News

HCAI Issues Updated Building Code Application Notice

What’s happening: The Department of Health Care Access and Information’s (HCAI) Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development (OSHPD) recently revised the Code Application Notice (CAN 2-0) OSHPD Jurisdiction

What else to know: CAN 2-0 explains how OSHPD is designated as the enforcing agency for hospital buildings and skilled-nursing facilities, and identifies the local building department as the enforcing agency for clinics and certain chemical dependency recovery hospitals.  

OSHPD’s jurisdiction authority as the enforcing agency is to uphold the building standards and regulations of Title 24. CAN 2-0 was revised to add chemical dependency recovery hospitals and lists items outside the building enclosure. In addition, the Special Construction section and the Local Jurisdictions section have been removed. 

Contact Trina Gonzalez, vice president, policy, with any questions.