On March 15, the White House released a fact sheet on how running out of COVID-19 funds will impact federal efforts to fight the pandemic.
Unless Congress passes additional funding, the program that reimburses providers for delivering COVID-19-related care to uninsured individuals will be phased out. On March 22, the uninsured program will stop accepting new claims for testing and treatment of COVID-19 patients without insurance coverage. On April 5, the program will also stop accepting vaccination claims for uninsured individuals.
Insufficient funding will also reduce allocations of monoclonal antibodies. Allocations to states will be cut by 30% beginning next week to extend the supply. Funds to purchase additional treatments — including a planned order for March 25 — are not available. According to the fact sheet, supply may run out by May if Congress does not approve additional funds.
CHA will provide additional updates as more information becomes available.