On-Demand Learning

EMTALA — Essentials and Trouble Spots Webinar: Participant Information

Program originally recorded Feb. 28, 2018.

Despite being on the books for nearly 30 years, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) continues to be a source of confusion for staff and a public relations nightmare. Fines have recently doubled, and may result in sanctions – recently for one hospital in excess of $1 million. 

Whether you are a veteran or new to emergency department services, navigating EMTALA obligations can be daunting, especially when you are dealing with conflicting directions from all sides, including local governing agencies and payers.

Health care professionals are encouraged to attend this webinar to gain insights on scope and application of the law, learn updated information, explore recurring problems and delve into the collision of EMTALA and emergency psychiatric services. Ample Q & A time is planned to address your toughest questions.

Recommended for:
All emergency department staff including department managers, medical directors, nurse managers and physicians, behavioral health managers, business office and admitting managers, risk managers, health care attorneys, social workers, discharge managers, clinic staff and administrators, and compliance officers.

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