The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued its federal fiscal year (FFY) 2024 proposed rule on payments for hospice facilities. Comments are due to CMS by 2 p.m. (PT) on May 30.
CMS proposes a payment increase of 2.8%, an estimated increase of $720 million in payments from FFY 2023. The hospice payment update includes a statutory aggregate cap that limits the overall payments per patient that are made to a hospice annually. The proposed hospice cap amount for the fiscal year is $33,396.55.
CMS proposes to codify the Hospice Quality Reporting Program data completion threshold policy that was adopted in the FFY 2016 hospice final rule. CMS also provides several updates related to the development of the Hospice Outcomes & Patient Evaluation patient assessment instrument and future quality measures. CMS also provides updates on future quality measure development and health equity efforts.
Additional details are available in a CMS fact sheet.