What’s happening: CHA will host a members-only webinar on Jan. 29 from 11 a.m. to noon (PT) to discuss the new Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP) updates for obstetrical and other services. Registration is open.
What else to know: The requirements will be phased in over two years, with the first of the requirements in effect July 1.
In the calendar year 2025 outpatient prospective payment system final rule, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized significant changes to the Medicare CoPs, including a new set of requirements for hospitals and critical access hospitals that provide obstetrical services.
In addition, CMS updated existing CoPs on emergency services and discharge planning that are applicable to all hospitals, including those that do not offer obstetrical services. In this webinar, CHA’s Megan Howard, vice president, federal policy, will explain what hospitals need to know to meet respective deadlines.