CHA News

CHA Video Series Shines Light on Hospital Triumphs During COVID-19

For all hospital employees

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The first six episodes of an ongoing video series on CHA member hospitals’ innovations and triumphs during the COVID-19 pandemic are now available for viewing on the CHA website. 

A collaborative effort between CHA and the Regional Associations — Hospital Council – Northern & Central California, Hospital Association of Southern California, and the Hospital Association of San Diego & Imperial Counties — the series takes viewers around the state through a wide range of rural, suburban, and urban settings. 

Each episode represents California hospitals’ efforts at going above and beyond not only for their patients and communities, but their employees as well. In the time of COVID-19, this often meant placing personnel and services outside the facilities’ own four walls. 

Topics in the series include an innovative new approach to telehealth in the emergency room, hospitals bringing vaccination services into the community, and care for the caregiver programs to ensure a healthy and effective workforce. 

The initial six videos can be viewed on CHA’s Innovation in the Time of COVID-19 page.