CHA News

Hospitals Encouraged to Complete AHA Survey on Plan Denials and Network Adequacy

For CEOs, CFOs, Reimbursement Staff

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Last week, the American Hospital Association (AHA) sent a survey to all community hospitals — both AHA members and non-members — requesting information on private plan utilization management practices and network adequacy. CHA worked with AHA to develop the survey questions and encourages members to respond by the Aug. 30 deadline.

Data gathered through the survey will be critical to understanding challenges hospitals experience working with health plans to obtain adequate reimbursement and accessing necessary services. The prevalence of these issues has increased as a direct result of greater managed care penetration in Medicare Advantage, as well as recently implemented commercial payment policies. While the survey is not specific to the nuances of the California market, the responses will help both AHA and CHA understand the scope and magnitude of these challenges. California hospital participation in this survey is particularly important, as the data will be made available to CHA.

Earlier this month, AHA sent the survey instructions and login information directly to hospital CEOs. To obtain a username and password, contact AHA’s Support Line at (800) 530-9092 or To provide feedback about the survey to CHA, contact Alyssa Keefe, vice president, federal regulatory affairs, or Amber Kemp, vice president, health care coverage.