CHA News

CMS and ONC Seek Input on Advancing Interoperability, HIE

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) have issued the attached request for information (RFI). Seeking input on potential policy and program changes to accelerate electronic health information exchange (HIE) across providers, the RFI specifically addresses the extent to which current CMS payment policies encourage or impede electronic information exchange across health care provider organizations, as well as which current programs are having the greatest impact on encouraging electronic HIE. CMS also asks providers to suggest how CMS and states can use existing authorities to better support electronic and interoperable HIE among Medicare and Medicaid providers — including post-acute, long-term care and behavioral health providers — and how policies could be developed to maximize the impact on care coordination and quality improvement. Comments on the RFI are due April 22.