CHA has issued the attached summary, prepared by Health Policy Alternatives, detailing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed rule that would make significant changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) beginning in July 2019. CHA is currently reviewing the proposed rule and actively soliciting member input for its comment letter, which is due by 2 p.m. (PT) on Oct. 16.
The updated program would phase out tracks with no financial risk for shared losses and offer two accountable care organization (ACO) tracks. Specifically, CMS proposes a “BASIC track” that would allow eligible ACOs to participate under a one-sided, upside-only agreement for one to two years; after that period, risk levels would be incrementally increased. At the highest level of risk, the BASIC track would qualify as an Advanced Alternative Payment Model under the Quality Payment Program. CMS also would offer an “ENHANCED track” based on the program’s existing Track 3. Both tracks would include agreement periods of no fewer than five years.
The current Track 1, Track 1+ and Track 2 would be discontinued for future applications.