CHA News

CHA DataSuite Releases Quality Program Measure Trends Analyses

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

CHA DataSuite has released two hospital-specific analyses of the quality program trends for the second quarter of 2022.   

The first analysis of quality program measure trends is designed to provide hospitals with a comparative review over time of the quality data collected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and published on Care Compare. The measures updated in this second quarter of 2022 Care Compare release are Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), safety, outcomes of care, readmissions, and star ratings. 

The second analysis of the outpatient quality program measure trend provides a fuller understanding of what is happening in this growing outpatient payment setting. It is designed to provide hospitals with a comparative review over time of the outpatient quality data collected by CMS and published on Care Compare.  

The measures analyzed represent several commonly used outpatient quality measures divided into categories:  

  • Process 
  • HCAHPS outpatient survey  
  • Imaging and efficiency 
  • Readmissions 

Email with any questions about either of the analyses.