CHA News

CHA DataSuite Releases Four Analyses

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: CHA DataSuite issued hospital-specific analyses on the Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, the Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction Program, quality program measure trends, and a quality programs overview report. 

What else to know: Analyses are updated with the latest Care Compare data release for fourth quarter 2023. See below for the members-only analysis descriptions.  

Analysis Descriptions 

The analysis descriptions below provide detailed information on methods and sources. Email with any questions. 

This content is restricted to members.

Value-Based Purchasing Analysis 

The analysis is intended to provide hospitals with a preview of the VBP Program’s potential impact for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025, based on the most recent publicly available data and program rules established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). 

This is the first release with the full FFY 2024 final program measure and domain data. The FFY 2025 figures are estimates and are based on CMS’ fourth quarter 2023 update of Care Compare. 

HAC Reduction Program Analysis 

The analysis is intended to provide hospitals with a preview of the potential impact of the FFY 2025 HAC Reduction Program. 

Hospital performance is evaluated under the FFY 2025 program in this analysis. The analysis uses the fourth quarter 2022 and fourth quarter 2023 updates of Care Compare for health care-associated infections measures and the fourth quarter 2023 update of Care Compare for patient safety and adverse events composite measure.  

Quality Program Measure Trends Analysis 

The quality program measure trends analyzed represent those included in the Medicare quality programs, which include the VBP Program, the Readmissions Reduction Program, the HAC Reduction Program, and the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model.  

The measures updated in this fourth quarter 2023 Care Compare release are: hospital consumer assessment of health care providers and systems, safety, patient safety indicator 90, and Medicare spending per beneficiary. 

Medicare Quality Programs Overview Report 

The report summarizes hospital quality performance and estimated impacts for the three Medicare inpatient programs: the VBP Program, the Readmissions Reduction Program, and the HAC Reduction Program from FFYs 2022 to 2024. 

Adjustment factors provided in this report are the final factors as reported by CMS. Correction notices are reflected in this report.