CHA News

CHA Comments on Proposed Regulations on Adverse Events Reporting

For quality and patient safety staff, licensing & certification staff, legal counsel

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

CHA has submitted comments to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on its proposed regulations on hospital adverse events.

  1. Complying with federal and state laws on the confidentiality of root cause analyses 
  2. Maintaining consisting reporting timeframes for all types of adverse events 
  3. Specifying that an adverse event has been detected when it is known by the hospital  
  4. Conforming definitions to national standards, cross referencing them wherever possible  
  5. Providing alternative options to email, call, or fax in adverse events to CDPH if its electronic submission system is experiencing difficulties 
  6. Requiring detailed information on the event only if available, given the short 24 hour and five-day deadlines for urgent and all other events 
  7. Replacing a proposed new annual safety culture assessment requirement with ongoing evaluation using valid and reliable tools 
  8. Aligning acute psychiatric hospital requirements with those of general acute care hospitals 

Hospitals seeking to submit individual comments have until 5 p.m. (PT) on Aug. 21. Although the deadline was originally Aug. 18, CDPH has clarified the deadline on its website and confirmed with CHA that it has been extended due to technical difficulties with the posting of the proposed regulations. Any questions on CHA’s comments can be directed to Kiyomi Burchill, Vice President, Policy at