The California Department of Public Health has issued a notice explaining new requirements for retaining employees and providing written notice to residents for skilled-nursing facilities (SNFs) undergoing a change of ownership, transfer of facility operation, or change of management company.
All Facilities Letter 20-12 explains that prospective SNF licensees submitting applications after Jan. 1, 2020, for a change of ownership, transfer of facility operation, or change of management company, must retain employees for a 60-day transition period; make a written offer of employment for the transition period; not reduce wages, benefits, or other terms and conditions of employment; and not discharge employees without cause.
SNF licensees submitting application after July 1, 2020, must give written notice of the proposed change to all facility residents and their representatives 90 days in advance, post the notice on all entrance and exit doors, and make it available to the public upon request.
Additional details about the new requirements are available in the All Facilities Letter.