CHA News

CDPH, CDC Continue Updates on Novel Coronavirus

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) reported the first two confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in California, in Orange County and Los Angeles County, last weekend. In total, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now reported five U.S. patients — in Washington, Illinois, California, and Arizona — who recently traveled from China have been diagnosed with novel coronavirus, noting that the risk of transmission to the general public remains low.

Yesterday, CDPH issued All Facilities Letter (AFL) 20-10, requesting that health care facilities respond to a survey with information on their capacity to respond to a patient under investigation for novel coronavirus. Facilities are requested to respond by close of business tomorrow, Jan. 29. CHA encourages members to provide this information to CDPH.

In addition, CDPH hosted a call today for health care providers to discuss the department’s latest guidance. Discussion on today’s CDPH call included:

  • Background/epi update, definition of persons under investigation, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traveler screening
  • Contact tracking system and update on suspect case tracking forms and CalREDIE data entry
  • Laboratory update
  • Infection control issues
  • Emergency Medical Services Authority update

To assist hospitals in responding to questions from the public or the news media about the coronavirus outbreak, CHA has created a set of key messages for reference.

Last week, CDPH responded to the novel coronavirus outbreak by establishing web site updates for consumers and health care providers, holding a call with health care providers on Jan. 23, and issuing AFL 20-09, which details recommendations for health care facilities along with the latest clinical information from the CDC.

CDC urges health care providers to follow its interim guidance for evaluating patients and recommendations for infection control and will host a call for clinicians Jan. 31 at 11 a.m. (PT).