Urge Congress to Support Hospitals and Health Care Workers by Providing COVID-19 Relief

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

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Action needed: 

CHA is asking hospital leaders to send a letter to your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to support hospitals and their staff with additional financial relief during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

CHA’s letter to the California congressional delegation may be used as a template for members’ outreach. CHA encourages members to include hospital-specific information in the letter, such as the costs of nursing and Provider Relief Fund (PRF) shortfalls. 

Find your representative’s contact information via this online directory

Find your senators’ contact information via this online directory


Email your letter to your representative and senators TODAY. Because federal funding discussions are ongoing, timing is critical. Please contact your representative and senators no later than March 5.


California hospitals are facing unprecedented workforce shortages and continue to face enormous financial losses during an unrelenting pandemic that threatens care in communities throughout the state. To date, federal financial relief for hospitals’ extraordinary expenses and deep losses has been provided only for services through March 31, 2021 — nearly an entire a year ago. Congress acted quickly in 2020 to establish and fund the PRF, and hospitals are grateful for that support. Unfortunately, no funds have been provided to hospitals for the care they have delivered to their communities during the delta and omicron surges.   

As Congress works on federal funding legislation, CHA asks Congress to:  

  • Immediately distribute and replenish the PRF, which has not provided funding during the pandemic’s delta and omicron surges 
  • Provide additional time for repayment of Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program loans 
  • Extend the delay in sequestration cuts at least for the duration of the public health emergency 
  • Address workforce shortages with policy solutions and funding   

Contact your representative and senators and urge them to reach out to their leadership and act on these priorities to support providers. Don’t miss the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Virtual Advocacy Day event — open to all AHA members — on Feb. 1 for an additional opportunity to make sure members of Congress hear the hospital voice on these and other important issues.