CHA News

AHA Directs Members to Resources After Recent National Stories Are Critical of Hospitals

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

A series in the New York Times titled “Profits Over Patients” has presented a flawed narrative of America’s hospitals — specifically not-for-profit health systems. The three articles that have run to date have examined billing practices and charity care, the use of the 340B drug pricing program, and most recently, workforce shortages and staffing.  


The series presents an incomplete and flawed view of the hospital field and fails to address many significant challenges hospitals and health systems face, the American Hospital Association (AHA) says. AHA and CHA will continue to push back on these incomplete storylines.  

The reality is hospitals are the backbone for health care in their communities, provide life-saving care, and broadly support health and wellness efforts. AHA and CHA will continue to highlight the critical work hospitals and health systems across the country do to advance the health of patients and communities.  

Given this attention, AHA and CHA want to share a set of resources and talking points that can help hospitals discuss these issues.  



  • Share this advisory with the appropriate colleagues, including communications and government affairs teams.  
  • Continue to share the incredible work hospitals or health systems perform every day to care for patients and communities.  Share good stories with CHA so they can be amplified. In addition, share these stories with lawmakers and local media and use social media to directly reach people.  
  • Review policies and practices as they relate to helping patients navigate the billing system and highlight a hospital’s community benefit activities.