Hospitals are required to conduct and review their Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) annually. The HVA is a systematic approach to identifying hazards that may affect demand for the hospitals services or its ability to provide those services. The risks associated with each hazard are analyzed to prioritize planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities. The HVA serves as a needs assessment for the Emergency Management program. This process should involve community partners and be communicated to community emergency response agencies.
Kaiser Permanente has developed a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis tool and instruction sheet. This resource is available as a planning tool only; if sharing publicly, please credit Kaiser Permanente. This tool is not intended for commercial use.
2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase
Developed by Stanford Health Care, this tool details how this health care system re-engaged more than 140 outpatient clinics by rounding on their disaster supplies, networking in person, and coordinating offsite sessions to complete a site-specific Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA).
Many hospitals used to develop specific plans for a variety of disaster and emergency situations. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) now requires that hospitals use an emergency management system that is comprehensive, risk based, and all-hazard in nature.
2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase
This resource highlights considerations in planning for food and water supplies to support patients, staff, and community members during disasters. Key elements include performing a hazard vulnerability analysis, ensuring compliance with CMS requirements, establishing protocols for subsistence, and creating adaptable menus. The poster also emphasizes regulatory compliance and practical considerations, like backup power, sanitation, and the ability to prepare food without utilities.
2022 Disaster Conference
Learn how UC Davis Health conducted an in-depth inventory of the current emergency management program and used a focused self-assessment protocol to identify and address gaps that can be easily applied in your hospital.
Local public health departments, local emergency medical services agencies (LEMSA) and the Department of Homeland Security, are all working together to test readiness for various scenarios. Hospitals should participate in the planning for these events as well as working with the Hazard Vulnerability Analysis for each hospital to coordinate community participation with the specific needs of the hospital.
The hospital’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) assists exercise planners in identifying threats facing the facility. The facility’s HVA provides a list of top scenarios to base future drills and exercises on. Additionally, past after action reports and improvement plans provide previously identified areas for improvement that can be tested.
California’s hospitals quickly mobilize and adapt to continue providing patient care during emergencies. These resources provide essential information to support hospitals’ emergency planning and response efforts. Quick Links Search Hospital Disaster Preparedness
Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) HICS is a hospital-specific methodology based on established incident command system (ICS) protocols. Learn how HICS assists hospitals in emergency management planning, response, and recovery — including courses, forms, and guides. HICS Forms Form 201 Form 202 Form 203 Form 204 Form 213 Form 214 Form 215A IAP Quickstart Form IAP […]