We’re pleased to share that yesterday in Sacramento, the Assembly approved Senate Bill (SB) 1432, which provides up to five years of additional time for hospitals to comply with the 2030 seismic mandate — at the discretion of the Department of Health Care Access and Information.
The Senate will hear this bill in the next few days. With strong labor opposition, we continue to push to get the votes needed to send to the governor.
This is a huge step forward after years of work to prevent hospital closures and protect access to vital health care services that Californians need. With this legislation, many hospitals will have a more viable path to meet the 2030 seismic standards. Our thanks to so many legislators who supported their hospitals and are keeping care available in their communities.
Success in the Legislature means this bill will await action by the governor, who has expressed concern over an extension in excess of three years. We will press the governor for his commitment to health care by signing SB 1432 into law and preventing hospitals from closing. Stay tuned for information on how you can help bring this across the finish line.
Recognizing there is still work to be done, passage of SB 1432 would not have been possible without the many hospital leaders who elevated their voices during this tough debate. Thank you for all your help to date on this bill.
Your voices have already made a difference, and they will be crucial again to get this needed legislation passed in the Senate and signed by the governor so hospitals can remain open to provide the critical health services Californians need and deserve.