CHA News

OHCA On-Demand Webinar Series Now Available

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: CHA has released a series of on-demand webinars that provide background and implementation updates on the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA). 

What else to know: The current release provides an overview of OHCA, goes deep on data collection and reporting, and gives a status update on the spending target and its enforcement.  

OHCA, established in 2022, is an important new state agency tasked with reining in health care spending growth. OHCA’s major responsibilities include: 

  • Increasing transparency of health care spending 
  • Setting and enforcing targets for the growth in health care spending 
  • Overseeing market transactions 
  • Establishing new standards to protect quality, equity, and workforce stability 

OHCA rules will have a profound impact on hospital finance and delivery going forward, making it essential for hospital leaders to understand how this regulatory agency came to be and where it is heading.  

This release includes three videos that cover OHCA’s history, purpose, and progress toward implementing and assessing health care entities against the spending targets. Future videos will cover OHCA’s market oversight activities, new standards the office is setting to promote health care workforce stability, the adoption of alternative payment models, increased primary care and behavioral health investment, and high-quality and equitable care.