CHA DataSuite has issued a hospital-specific analysis of the Medicare hospital federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025 preliminary wage index and occupational mix data. The analysis is intended to provide hospitals with a comparative review of the wage and occupational mix data that will be used to develop the FFY 2025 Medicare hospital wage index.
The data analyzed are “preliminary” and the first of three wage public use files (PUFs) that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will issue to develop the hospital wage index for FFY 2025. Because these data are subject to revision, this analysis is not intended to be used to calculate hospital wage indexes, but to give hospitals a way to review the most recent wage data published by CMS.
It is extremely important that hospitals review these wage data. Under CMS’ hospital wage index development timetable, hospitals have until Sept. 1 to request revisions to this data. This is the only opportunity hospitals will have to request revisions to their data. Subsequent opportunities for correction can only address Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) mishandling of data. Requests and supporting documentation for revision requests must be submitted to the hospital’s MAC by Sept. 1.
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