Hospital Disaster Preparedness

What is the relationship between an Emergency Management Program (EMP) and an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)?

The Emergency Management Program (EMP) implements the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the organization as related to Emergency Management. The EMP utilizes organized analysis, planning, decision making and assignment of available resources to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all-hazards. (Emergency Management Principals and Practices for Healthcare Systems, Department of Veterans Affairs, 2006).

The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) provides the structure and processes that the organization utilizes to respond to and initially recover from an event. The EOP is therefore the response and recovery component of the EMP.

The Joint Commission Emergency Management Standards are very specific to the requirements of the hospital EOP, however it should be noted that some of these requirements cross over to mitigation and preparedness activities.

For a suggested outline of the EMP and for further guidance, see the following:

Hospital Emergency Management Program Checklist

Download CHA’s Key Components of a Hospital Emergency Management Program (EMP)