The Incident Action Plan contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and specific tactical actions and supporting information for the next operational period. The hospital’s IAP is generally comprised of:
- Form 201: Incident Briefing
- Form 202: Incident Objectives
- Form 203: Organizational Assignments
- Form 204: Branch Assignment List
- Form: 215A: Incident Action Plan (IAP) Safety Analysis
- IAP Quick Start (combines forms 201, 202, 203, 204, and 215A)
The IAP may also have a number of other forms as attachments such as Traffic Plans, Branch Assignments, etc.
Objective 12 of NIMS Implementations Objectives for Healthcare states Incident Command System (ICS) implementation must include the consistent application of incident action planning. IAPs are required anytime H.I.C.S. is implemented in a drill or exercise.