- 340B Repayment: Hospitals eligible for the 340B repayment should be receiving (or have received) a letter from Noridian shortly
- Noridian has 30 days from Jan. 8 to complete the repayment.
- The MAC anticipates that all repayments will be completed by Feb. 7
- Summary: Recent Agency Actions Related to No Surprise Act Implementation and Independent Dispute Resolution Process
- Jan. 17: ONC Webinar HTI-1 Final Rule Decision Support Interventions
- Jan. 25: ONC Webinar HTI-1 Final Rule Information Blocking
- Application portal for teaching hospitals to apply for additional intern and resident slots for 2025 that were made available by Section 126 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
- FAQs about Section 126
- Overview of the application process