CEO Message

Together We Stand, For Patients

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford 

The year-end holidays are a time when so many of us reconnect with our families and friends, choosing to spend our time with those who are most important to us and, as the saying goes, those who “fill our cups.”  

As 2023 closes, I would like to thank all of you for choosing to stand united — choosing to stay together as California hospitals. In doing so you make the decision to fill one another’s cups, all to better serve those around you — your teams, your patients, your communities. 

Your decision to come together, stay together, and work together has never been more important than it is right now, in the face of tremendous political and policy headwinds that act to pull us apart.   

From the pandemic with its lingering and era-defining impacts to unprecedented financial challenges. From demographic shifts that are upending our communities’ care needs to workforce availability. From a polarized political climate to sharp budget deficits at the federal and state level. All of these things can drive a wedge between hospitals working hard to survive. 

Together we were able to set aside attempts to add to already costly regulation like greater state oversight of health care partnerships and affiliations, presumptive eligibility for health care workers’ compensation, and ratios for behavioral health staffing in hospitals. 

Together we were able to deliver proactive wins like $2 billion in new annual MCO tax revenue for hospitals, $3 billion in behavioral health resources for which hospitals can apply, $300 million through the distressed hospital loan program, and more. 

Despite so many forces with the power to pull our field apart, you choose to stand together — a choice that makes us all stronger and better equipped to meet each of your organization’s mission of care. 

Thank you for standing together and standing strong, and thank you for what you do each and every day.

I hope you and yours find peace, rest, and warmth as we close the year and prepare for the challenges ahead. I am comforted in the knowledge that the size of the challenges is matched — if not exceeded — by your collective resolve and commitment to the people you serve.