March 7, 2019
10:00 – 11:30 a.m., Pacific Time
The California Department of Public Health’s Center for Health Care Quality is seeking stakeholder input on possible changes to Title 22 state regulations for several areas relating to hospital provision of therapy, rehabilitation and other services. Comments are due by March 22, 2019.
For each therapy service area, Title 22 regulations include provisions addressing requirements for staff and staff supervision, space, and equipment and supplies.
The Rehabilitation Center requirements represent the provisions that must be met for a hospital to qualify as a Rehab Center. As you may be aware, the Rehab Center designation has specific implications for free-standing hospitals in regards to licensure requirements. Title 22 requirements for hospitals designated as rehab centers address general program policies and practices, staff, space, as well as equipment and supplies.
The All Facility Letters (AFLs) linked below include additional information regarding the specific sections of Title 22 under review.
- AFL 19-08, on general acute care hospital (GACH) respiratory care service regulations
- AFL 19-09, on GACH occupational therapy service regulations
- AFL 19-10, on GACH physical therapy service regulations
- AFL 19-11, on GACH podiatric service regulations
- AFL 19-12, on GACH rehabilitation center regulations
- AFL 19-13, on GACH social service regulations
- AFL 19-14, on GACH speech pathology/audiology service regulations
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