CHA News

Submit Medicare Physician Attestation Statements by May 3

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: As a condition of participation, Medicare-certified hospitals must complete attestation and acknowledgment of physicians with newly granted admitting privileges in the previous calendar year. 

What else to know: Attestation statements for 2023 should be submitted by May 3. 

Livanta, the Medicare beneficiary and family-centered care quality improvement organization for California, has opened the submission process for 2023 physician attestation requirements

Completion of this action is a condition of a hospital’s participation in the Medicare Program. Livanta is obligated to report overdue hospital documentation to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services upon request. 

More information on how to complete this requirement is available on Livanta’s website.   

Email Livanta at with questions.