Search Results for: "Continuity Planning"

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Health Care Provider Loan Program Provides a Much-Needed Cash Injection Ahead of Projected COVID-19 Surge

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Health Care Provider Loan Program Provides a Much-Needed Cash Injection Ahead of Projected COVID-19 Surge

Funds Can Help Sustain Hospital Operations in Coming Weeks

“We are grateful that Blue Shield of California has stepped up to offer up to $200 million in short-term loans to help offset some of the heavy losses hospitals and doctors are enduring as they suspend normal operations before the expected surge of COVID-19 patients,” said Carmela Coyle, President & CEO of the California Hospital Association.

“Right now, hospitals are focused on one thing: caring for patients during this crisis,” Coyle said. “From a financial perspective, however, the immediate fiscal stress hospitals are facing pales in comparison to the long-term devastation that COVID-19 will wreak on California’s health care system as more and more hospitals are driven into the red financially.”

CMS Reduces Medicare Payments to Physicians in Final Rule

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its calendar year (CY) 2025 Medicare physician fee schedule (PFS) final rule, in which the final CY 2025 PFS conversion factor is $32.35 — a decrease of 2.8% from CY 2024.  

What else to know: CMS published a fact sheet on the CY 2025 Medicare PFS that shares the rate setting and conversion factor, and much more. 

Hospital Leaders Press for Worker Protections, Seismic Extension

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What’s happening: CHA members and staff visited state lawmakers on Wednesday to promote Assembly Bill (AB) 977 (Rodriguez, D-Pomona) that would increase protections for health care workers in emergency departments (EDs) and Senate Bill (SB) 1432 (Caballero, D-Merced) that would provide a time extension to hospitals from California’s 2030 seismic construction mandates.  

What else to know: Both CHA-sponsored bills passed their respective chambers without a single negative vote. AB 977 moved forward on a 68-0 vote in January and SB 1432 by a 37-0 vote last week. 

State Policymakers Reach a Budget Agreement with Major Implications for Hospitals

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What’s happening: This week, the 2024-25 budget and supporting legislation will be signed by the governor, ensuring the spending plan is in place by July 1, the start of the fiscal year. 

What else to know: The budget includes important changes to the managed care organization (MCO) tax and the health care worker minimum wage, while also having implications for the hospital fee program. 

CMS Proposes Reducing Medicare Payments to Physicians

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What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its calendar year (CY) 2025 physician fee schedule (PFS) proposed rule.  

What else to know: The proposed CY 2025 PFS conversion factor is $32.36, a decrease of $0.93, or 2.8%, from CY 2024.  

Governance Education Workshop

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This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.April 10, 2023 | 12:30 – 5:00 p.m. CHA is proud to offer this unprecedented opportunity to improve board effectiveness and executive communications.   Bring your thorny governance issues and hear what outstanding boards do differently from the rest. This session is […]

What the BCBS Antitrust Settlement & Its BlueCard® Program Transformation Means to You — Participant Information

Learn about the details of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers Class Action Settlement, which provides $2.8 billion in relief funds to participating providers as well as valuable injunctive relief designed to improve transparency, efficiency, and accountability on the part of BCBS in its claims processing.  CHA is sharing information critical to your hospital’s decision to […]