
Rural Hospital Leadership Meeting: Resources

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Date: April 20, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time
Location: Kimpton Sawyer Hotel
500 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

The last two years have taken a toll on hospitals and individuals. While we forged ahead, working through unprecedented circumstances, we experienced a loss of connection with our peers.

What better way to get together and share experiences than a one-day event just for our rural hospital leaders. This day will focus on our seismic strategy, changes to MediCal and other financial directives, as well as key legislative issues. We have also planned plenty of time for sharing, reacquainting, and roundtable discussions with issues specific to small and rural hospitals.

This is a no cost program for members — this is a day just for you. Utilize it to learn from each other and focus on what lies ahead.

What will we be talking about?

  • 2030 Seismic Requirements
  • Transitioning from MediCal to CalAIM
  • Peer to Peer Discussions

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. │ Welcome
Peggy Broussard Wheeler, Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. │ Disaster Preparedness Modernization: Updating the 2030 Seismic Requirements
Kathryn Austin Scott, Senior Vice President, State Relations & Advocacy; Kiyomi Burchill, Group Vice President, Policy; and Gideon Baum, Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association
One of the most important lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic has been that emergencies often play out in unexpected ways. Flexibility and innovation are essential to ensuring people get the lifesaving care they need, when and where they need it. The Hospital Disaster Preparedness Plan, commonly referred to as “Seismic Reform,” leverages those lessons. But there are a lot of questions around this legislation for rural hospital leaders. Listen as experts explain the 2030 requirements and the ongoing negotiations to finalize the language. We know there are a lot of questions, so we have provided sufficient time for Q&A.

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. │ MediCal Reform: CalAIM and Managed Care RFP
Robert Ducay, Vice President, Policy and Ryan Witz, Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association
California Advancing and​ Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is a long-term commitment to transform and strengthen Medi-Cal which includes a series of initiatives. These changes will span a multi-year period, with the first reforms implemented in January 2022 and additional reforms phased in through 2027. Mr. Ducay and Mr. Witz will discuss the details of this transformation as well as the implementation timeline.

12:15 – 1:15 p.m. │ Hosted Lunch

1:15 – 2:00 p.m. │ Workforce Planning – Innovative Strategies
Gideon Baum, Vice President, Policy; Peggy Broussard-Wheeler, Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. │ Peer-to-Peer Learning
Peggy Broussard-Wheeler, Vice President, Policy, California Hospital Association
Rural hospital leaders have faced many challenges — often the same challenges. What better way to learn than from each other? Ms. Wheeler will facilitate an open discussion where you can ask questions of your peers and provide information on what you experienced, what lessons you learned, what obstacles you are facing, and how you are preparing for the future. In this session, you are the experts.

Peggy Broussard Wheeler
Vice President, Policy
California Hospital Association

Peggy Broussard Wheeler serves as Vice President of Policy at the California Hospital Association (CHA). Ms. Wheeler is responsible for developing, advocating and executing public policies, legislation and regulations on behalf of CHA member hospitals at the state and national levels. 

Ms. Wheeler serves as the Issue Manager for Workforce, Housing and patients experiencing Homelessness, Equity, Social Determinants of Health, Telehealth, Language Access, Criminal Justice and Hospital-Prison issues. In addition to the topical focus areas listed above, she has an extensive background and knowledge of rural healthcare, leads the CHA Rural Healthcare Center Advisory Committee and is the program manager of the California Critical Access Hospital Network (CCAHN).

Gideon Baum
Vice President, Policy
California Hospital Association

Gideon Baum is CHA’s lead on labor and human resources issues. Prior to CHA, Mr. Baum served as Staff Director for the Senate Committee on Labor, Public Employment and Retirement and served as a Committee Consultant with the State Senate for nearly 15 years.

Kiyomi Burchill
Group Vice President, Policy
California Hospital Association

Kiyomi Burchill is responsible for developing CHA’s policy positions on a wide range of legislative and regulatory issues that affect California hospitals and health systems, including seismic safety, licensing and certification, public health, health information technology, and quality. She closely coordinates with CHA’s advocacy, data, and communications teams to create and execute effective strategies on behalf of CHA’s members.

Robert Ducay
Vice President, Policy
California Hospital Association

Robert Ducay serves as Vice President of Policy at the California Hospital Association. Mr. Ducay is responsible for developing, advocating, and executing public policies, legislation, and regulations on behalf of CHA member hospitals at the state and national levels. He serves as the issue manager for Medi-Cal financing and represents members’ financial interests related to Medi-Cal, which includes the hospital fee, and provides support on financial and reimbursement issues affecting California hospitals and health systems. Previously, he served in executive leadership roles at the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) as the Assistant Deputy Director of Health Care Financing and the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) as an Assistant Secretary with the DHCS portfolio.

Kathryn Austin Scott
Senior Vice President, State Relations & Advocacy
California Hospital Association

Ms. Scott serves as the association’s head lobbyist in Sacramento and directs the California lobbying team. Previously, she was a partner at Capitol Partners, a Sacramento lobbying firm that she founded over ten years ago. She has over 20 years of experience in public policy and served as a contract lobbyist to CHA for 15 years. She has also represented the United Hospital Association and the District Hospital Leadership Forum among other health care and non-health care clients.

Ryan Witz
Group Vice President, Policy
California Hospital Association

Ryan Witz is Group Vice President of Policy at the California Hospital Association. Mr. Witz represents members’ financial interests related to Medicare, Medi-Cal, commercial payers and other government entities. Based in CHA’s Sacramento office, he provides support on financial and reimbursement issues affecting California hospitals and health systems, and represents CHA with stakeholders where hospital finance and technical knowledge is needed. He is also involved with the development and implementation of the hospital fee and other financing programs.

Presentations will be available online only; download today.
Be sure to download the materials in advance; WiFi access on-site may be limited.

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. │ Welcome
Presentation not available.

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. │ Disaster Preparedness Modernization: Updating the 2030 Seismic Requirements

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. │ MediCal Reform: CalAIM and Managed Care RFP

1:15 – 2:15 p.m. │ Workforce Planning – Innovative Strategies
Presentation not available.

Hospital Council Northern & Central California

2:15 – 3:00 p.m. │ Peer-to-Peer Learning
Presentation not available.

For additional assistance and other inquiries, email CHA’s Education Department at