Proposed Office of Health Care Affordability Offers Opportunity to Address Rising Costs Across Health Care System
“California hospitals support the creation of a new statewide Office of Health Care Affordability, as it advances an important concept for addressing this issue,” said Carmela Coyle, President & CEO of the California Hospital Association. “We know that this work will be extremely difficult — and we know that many pieces must be aligned in order for this effort to be successful.
“This work is complex and demands equal responsibility and engagement from all segments of the health care field including providers, insurers, drug makers, medical device suppliers, labor, and others. We also know that there can be serious consequences for our state’s health care system.
“Changing California’s health care system to make care more affordable — and meet the needs of 40 million people — is a huge undertaking that has never been attempted at this scale. We look forward to working with policy leaders in developing the critical design elements of this office so that the needs of all Californians can be met.”
Jan Emerson-Shea
(916) 552-7516
(916) 804-0663 – Cell
@jemersonshea – Twitter