Search Results for: "2016 Disaster Conference" OR "2018 Disaster Conference"

Showing 41 - 49 of 49 results

Mass Casualty Incident Response Protocols

2018 Disaster Conference

This session provides strategies for hospitals to automate their Mass Casualty Incident Response to improve outcomes. The presentation provides an overview of the threat landscape, ways hospitals can identify essential elements, describes the need for mass casualty incident protocols, and reviews lessons-learned from past events/exercises.

Preparing Fire Evacuation of Rural Hospitals

2018 Disaster Conference

This presentation provides an overview of steps hospitals can take in preparing for imminent evacuation due to wildfire events. The session provides an overview of Helena-Fork Fire, details the hospital’s immediate response, their actions and activities, reviews decision making strategies, and provides overall lessons-learned from the event.

Bridging the Gap Between the FBI and the Medical Community

2018 Disaster Conference

This presentation provides background and jurisdictional information on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) weapons of mass destruction response process, assists hospitals in understanding the CBRNE threat profile, and provides HIPAA considerations during events where the FBI is engaged. It also outlines other FBI response initiatives that are helpful to hospitals in planning and response for threats, offering outreach and training resources hospitals can utilize in engaging the FBI before, during, and after these events.

Improving Health Care Delivery in Disasters

2016 Disaster Conference

This resource provides an overview of how hospitals can prepare for a wide range of incidents that disrupt the flow of operations and reviews ways hospitals can be better prepared to sustain the impact of a storm, flood, or other natural disaster.

Leading Practices in Decontamination and Triage

2016 Disaster Conference

Presented by UCSF Health, this session reviews best practices and response strategies for events requiring decontamination for first receivers. The presentation includes lessons learned from specific chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive events. Also included are ways hospitals can review risks and challenges in CBRNE events, and outlines steps hospitals can take to prepare for and respond to these events.

Lessons Learned: Building Integrated Firestorm Response and Recovery

2018 Disaster Conference

Kaiser Permanente and Sutter Health presenters share how their organizations responded to wildfires that caused their hospitals to evacuate in October 2017. The session details operational impacts as well as recovery efforts taken by both health systems to restore hospital services to the community. Presenters shared lessons learned from these events and highlight opportunities for improved performance.