Search Results for: "Infectious Diseases"

Showing 21 - 30 of 36 results

Checklist: Seasonal Influenza/Pandemic Preparedness

This checklist contains general recommendations to prompt review and action ahead of seasonal influenza and pandemic. Public health is the lead agency during these events; every effort should be made to remain up to date with rapidly changing local, state, and federal guidance and regulations. 

Physician Redeployment During COVID-19 Surges

2021 Virtual Disaster Conference

This presentation focuses on the strategies used to redeploy physicians, as well as the training and mental health support provided by the program. Kaiser Permanente Northern California shares their redeployment strategies, including leveraging the interconnections of physicians within the KP Northern California health care system.

Building Crisis Standards of Care During COVID-19

2022 Disaster Conference

The pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the health care system and how we deliver care. The Emergency Department is often on the front line when making difficult decisions regarding care when resources become scarce. It is important to address this with education on crisis standards of care as well as scrutiny of existing models. This includes challenging how they are best designed to meet our current needs, where there might be crucial gaps in the assessment of need and delivery of care, and when they must be implemented.

Active Shooter Planning and Response in a Health Care Setting

Active shooter events in a health care setting present unique challenges: a potentially large vulnerable patient population, hazardous materials (including infectious disease), locked units, special challenges (such as weapons and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines (these machines contain large magnets which can cause issues with firearms, or remove it from the hands of law enforcement), as well as caregivers who can respond to treat victims.

CDPH Releases California Health Advisory Update on Ebola

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

On July 18, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released a California Health Advisory Update on Ebola — one day after the World Health Organization declared the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo to be a public health emergency of international concern.

Wildfires During a Public Health Disaster Webinar

The world has been so focused on COVID-19 that it seems summer, and wildfire season, snuck up on us. Responding to wildfires in the midst of a pandemic is another example of how important it is for health care personnel and communities to work together. Preparing and thinking outside the box when it comes to wildfires while dealing with a community spread pandemic helps improve our response.