Search Results for: "2023 Disaster Conference"

Showing 21 - 28 of 28 results

2023 Disaster Planning Conference

Restore our purpose.
Refocus on what’s ahead.
Learn new things.

For three years, the pandemic response has taken our attention and resources. We can’t forget there are other disasters that need our focus. From earthquakes and floods to violence in our facilities, disaster teams have been prepared to care for our communities, yet we can’t forget about ourselves in the process.

PG&E: Utility Response During Emergency Events

2023 Disaster Conference

Learn about PG&E’s overall Incident Command Structure (ICS) during event activations, the power outage restoration process, and real-life examples of emergency events that impacted hospitals. session included an overview of the process to coordinate response safely and efficiently to an emergency event affecting gas or electrical system from planning, activation, assessment, restoration, and deactivation.

How Coalitions Safeguard Patients in Power Outages

2023 Disaster Conference

California forced hospitals to rely on emergency power by initiating Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) to minimize the risk of wildfires triggered by power lines. Hospital generator failures led the LA County Healthcare Coalition to launch an initiative to identify emergency power vulnerabilities and develop innovative solutions to close gaps. This initiative culminated with the publication of the Healthcare Facility Emergency Power Resilience Playbook to bolster hospital emergency power resilience in their jurisdictions.

Rapid Disposition & Emergency Department Flow in Mass Casualty Incidents

2023 Disaster Conference

Overcrowding makes Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) planning increasingly difficult for hospital emergency departments (EDs). MCI plans must incorporate tactics for rapidly and safely clearing space in EDs to accommodate the influx of casualties. The goal of this planning is to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of patients, both at the hospital before the disaster and for new casualties being received. Stanford experts will review how this planning is designed and how it has been refined with years of practice at their facility.

Engaging Offsite Clinical Partners in Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Developed by Stanford Health Care, this tool details how this health care system re-engaged more than 140 outpatient clinics by rounding on their disaster supplies, networking in person, and coordinating offsite sessions to complete a site-specific Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA).

Considerations in Disaster Meal Planning

2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

This resource highlights considerations in planning for food and water supplies to support patients, staff, and community members during disasters. Key elements include performing a hazard vulnerability analysis, ensuring compliance with CMS requirements, establishing protocols for subsistence, and creating adaptable menus. The poster also emphasizes regulatory compliance and practical considerations, like backup power, sanitation, and the ability to prepare food without utilities.