Effective January 2020, California Senate Bill 464 (Mitchell, 2019) requires California hospitals to educate their perinatal care staff about implicit bias. After consultation with the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) and other stakeholders, California Health Care Foundation has funded Diversity Science to develop online learning modules and associated resources for hospitals to assist them with this legislative requirement.
The modules and related materials will be available free of charge and are expected to be rolled out as each is developed, beginning in the summer.
While California hospitals have made strides in improving overall maternity care, there continue to be strong racial disparities in maternal mortality and morbidity. The disparities persist even after accounting for age, income, education, health insurance status, and other socio-economic attributes — and evidence points to implicit bias and racism as major factors in these inequities.
Because hospital feedback will be an important part of the development process, Diversity Science will create a website portal where hospitals and other stakeholders will be invited to preview draft modules and materials and provide their input. Hospitals are strongly encouraged to preview and comment. To learn more, register for an informational webinar on April 30 at noon (PT), and sign up for regular project updates here.