CHA News

Next Round of Proposition 56 Graduate Medical Education Funding Available Soon

For CEOs, Government Relations Staff, and Designated Institutional Officers

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

This week, Physicians for a Healthy California announced it will award approximately $40 million in the second cycle of its CalMedForce Program, which provides funding for graduate medical education (GME) programs in California. Applications will be released Sept. 23 and are due Oct. 28.

CalMedForce is funded through Proposition 56, which was sponsored by CHA and approved by voters in 2016. Administered by Physicians for a Healthy California, the program aims to sustain, retain and grow GME programs by expanding the physician pipeline to meet the demands of California’s growing patient population, with a focus on medically underserved areas and populations.

To subscribe to updates on the CalMedForce grant program, email with “subscribe” in the body of the message. For more information, visit the CalMedForce website.