The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in partnership with the Administration for Community Living, has published a tool to support effective discharge planning and care coordination for adults with disabilities who have received hospital care for COVID-19 and require continuation or reconnection to supports and services. It explains the Olmstead decision, lays out potential pathways for adults with disabilities diagnosed with COVID-19, and provides information on state and federal resources.
Next CDPH Call for Health Care Facilities: Sept. 15, 8-9 a.m. (PT)
Dial: (844) 721-7239
Passcode: 7993227
Summary of Sept. 8 CDPH Call
CDPH has provided a summary of its most recent weekly call with health care facilities.
New Publishing Schedule for Coronavirus Response
Beginning the week of Sept. 14, Coronavirus Response will be published on Tuesdays. You can also find COVID-19-related news and updates in CHA’s twice-weekly newsletter, CHA News, which is distributed on Mondays and Thursdays.