May Budget Revision Excludes Critical Funding to Help Hospitals Keep Ready
Hospitals Are Foundational to Reopening of California’s Economy
“There is no question California is facing one of the most challenging budget years this state has ever seen — far worse than the Great Recession of 2009,” said Carmela Coyle, President & CEO of the California Hospital Association. “As the budget is a reflection of the state’s values and priorities — even during devastating economic times when the state is working hard to return many sectors of our economy to more normal activity — it’s vital that hospitals be able to remain open, staffed, and ready for the state’s ongoing COVID-19 response.”
“While California’s hospitals recognize the difficult choices facing state leaders, hospital funds referenced in the May Revise are federal dollars, not state, and even still don’t come close to the $10 billion to $14 billion in short-term losses that hospitals are facing today,” Coyle said. “Hospitals across this state answered the call to respond in this unprecedented crisis. Without an immediate infusion of resources, many will remain in serious financial jeopardy.”
“We agree with the Governor that our state’s economy cannot begin to climb back unless hospitals are open, available, and fully staffed to provide care for the next expected wave of patients suffering from COVID-19. This cannot happen without immediate financial help from the state,” Coyle said. “We call upon the Legislature and Governor to prioritize the health of all Californians by providing $1 billion in financial relief to hospitals before June 30.”
Jan Emerson-Shea
(916) 552-7516
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@jemersonshea – Twitter