CHA News

Livanta to Require Electronic Medical Records Transmission by Oct. 1

For case managers, compliance leaders, health information managers 

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Beginning Oct. 1, Livanta, the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality-Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) for California, will accept medical records only electronically via direct secure messaging at Direct secure messaging – which is not email – can be performed through the hospital’s electronic medical records (EMR) system.  

As required by the federal fiscal year 2021 inpatient prospective payment system final rule, all medical records and other documentation sent in response to BFCC-QIO requests must be sent electronically. Providers that do not use an EMR system that transmits medical records via secure direct secure messaging must obtain a waiver from the BFCC-QIO to continue faxing medical records. Waivers may be applied for directly through Livanta’s website.