Bill Tracker
Health Insurance

AB 280 (Aguiar-Curry, D-Davis)

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AB 280 (Aguiar-Curry, D-Davis) Details

Introduced on Jan 21.

AB 280 would require a plan or insurer to annually verify and delete inaccurate listings from its provider directories and would require a provider directory to be 60% accurate on July 1, 2026, with increasing percentage accuracy benchmarks required to be met each year until the directories are 95% accurate by July 1, 2029. The bill would subject a plan or insurer to administrative penalties for failure to meet the prescribed benchmarks. The bill would require a plan or insurer to provide coverage for all covered health care services provided to an enrollee or insured who reasonably relied on inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information contained in a provider directory and to reimburse the provider the out-of-network amount for those services.

Kalyn Dean

Job title:
VP State Advocacy

Pat Blaisdell

Job title:
VP Policy